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NDE Messages from God

Messages from people with near-death experiences (NDE)

As more and more publications describing near-death experiences become available, more people are willingly sharing their experiences and more descriptions of these experiences become available. Several thousand descriptions of near-death experiences are now available on the NDERF website ( The information presented in these descriptions is very convincing, since many different people who don't know each other describe their experiences with remarkable similarity, sometimes using almost the same words.

Some people who have near-death experiences write about meeting God during their experience. Most of them describe God as an energy emanating love and light. Interaction with God often helps a person feel connectedness to everything and provides complete knowledge about all things. As a result of this interaction with God, people also become more loving and compassionate. More details about God and near-death experiences can be found in Dr. Jeffrey Long’s book God and the Afterlife.

The most common message that people with near-death experiences received from God was about the importance of love, and that the purpose of our lives on earth is to learn how to love. This is reminiscent of similar messages we receive through prophets and the Holy Scriptures.



1. Just a sense that it is all about love and kindness. That we are all connected to each other and religion is on the wrong path. Life meaning is only valued in love, nothing else matters.   That what god is all about and not about religion or rituals. No human can ever love with the love I felt in that light. It is all consuming, all forgiving. nothing matches it. It is like the day you looked into the eyes of your child for the first time magnified a million times. Indescribable.

2. Do not cause harm. Be compassionate and loving towards all people, even murderers or child molesters, for they are made from pure love as well. 

3. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes. To love, to express myself from a place of pure love, as God was with me, a part of me and I am part of God. To remember to treat everyone as God would.

4.What is most important? I would say it is human relationships, loving and caring for each other. Emphasis should be on that golden rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Take care of each other whenever you can.

5. All of it was judgments whatsoever attached.  If anything, I just try not to judge and maybe I was more prone to that before. I try to love others as unconditionally as I felt loved throughout the experiences.

6. I now know what loving one another and helping one another was all about. I finally knew the true meaning of humility and that earthly things absolutely don't matter to me anymore.

7. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, simply put, it is the central theme for everything. It is the core principle that we are all supposed to follow. It is what will allow us all to become one with God in this world and the next.

8. All judgment was lost as I saw others for who they really are through God's eyes. I learned to love at a very deep level and experienced the unconditional love of God in a way that revealed, not only the divinity in myself, but in all of us as God's children.

9. I no longer judge as harshly. I'm no longer interested in being right. I'm far more interested in truth than in religion. I know that love is all there is and that God loves ALL of his children deeply and equally. There are no stepchildren in the family of God. We are all divine.

10. Less judgment, more love. Love is all there is. Love will overcome everything. There is only love and fear and fear is simply the absence of love. In the end there is only love and it is wonderful.  I had deeper compassion and love for my fellow beings here. Our lives matter and the way we treat each other is of great importance.

11. Love is the greatest power in the universe.

12. I came to know that Love is a power to rival all powers real and perceived in the Universe, something I never could have understood without this experience.

13. I was connected to all creation, which includes everyone! But nobody was there right in front of me, yet everyone was there in the love! I feel I was touched by a Holiness or Sacredness of spirit and it runs through me at certain times, particularly when a person near me is in need of assistance.

14.The first message I was given was that the single most important thing in the Universe is Love, that love is all that matters, that we are all the same and that we are all love. I know that everyone is the same, that all of us are connected and that we all need to remember that love is truly the answer.

15. I knew I was to love and to help people. I feel my purpose is to offer kindness, love and happiness to people, even if it's just a smile to someone in the grocery store who hasn't been smiled at in a while. Over the years, while I do tend to get caught up in life's struggles, I have the ability to return to my experience to remind and reset my thinking on the true thing important in life, love.

16. I have this huge need to make a difference and help people in a real way. I volunteer at the homeless shelter and am pursuing an emergency medical technician certification - even though it pays one fifth of my current salary.

17. I will work to make this beautiful world a better, more compassionate place. We need to feel our connections to each other and empathy and compassion here on Earth more and more. We are one being and need to feel our inner bond to each other more directly.

18. I learned that we are here to learn how to Love, Divinely. Love on the Other Side, at least in my experience is so much bigger, so much more full than here, and you are more honest with your Love, as I experienced it.

19. You cannot turn others away who are in need. At least that was how I felt it and what I was connected to. The Love of God, as I will call it, was connect to and moving through me, there.

20. Jesus, who had always been my example, continued to be an example for me, but I was less concerned with the technicalities of His story and whether certain details were facts or not, and I embraced the core teaching that was intended to be His Gift - 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' My understanding of what I need, religiously, became much more simple - 'Learn to Love. Cause no suffering.' Very basic and beautiful.

21. I chose to come back. So am trying to make my life better. Be kinder, more compassionate, more loving. Embrace family. I try to make amends with those I have lost along the way, tell others I love them. Pass on more of what I felt in those moments.

22. I did receive a sense that the human pursuit of things, status, wealth, power etc. were completely meaningless and that all that remains of any importance is love.

23. The light then told me ‘you are here to learn how to love and to gain knowledge’. When I was told this, all the implications of the word love and knowledge were imparted to me. With the word 'love', it wasn't just about physical love but the love of nature, accepting all people as the same, everything that pertained to love. I was being told this is why you are here on earth to learn how to love and accept each other.

24. I think the creator is very disappointed in how this earth is run. I feel I was lucky to have had this experience because I was told and reinforced what my mission on earth is. I felt that man would not advance in the universe until we learned how to love each other and accept our differences. Loving.

25. We really need to work on loving each other. Love is all about power, control and getting what is best for me. We don't look at the person just as an individual that I love but as an asset to where I want to go in life. It is still about pedigree and what power the person holds. I felt I was being told that every human was exactly the same in God's eyes and we need to love each person as if we are loving God because each of us is part of the creator.

26. We on earth love nothing like I felt over there. I felt totally loved and accepted when I came into the light. On earth there are always conditions to love. When we first fall in love, it is much more pure than later on. I think that is because we only see the good in the person. Later it becomes if this person fits into what you want in your life. When they don't it is bye bye.

27. Only that I was told very directly and with perfect explanation of why we are here on earth. We are doing great on gaining knowledge the last century or so. But as far as learning how to love, I don't know how many lifetimes we will all have to go through to finally learn how to accept each other and stop the prejudice, power games and thinking what we do for a living makes us better than someone else. The biggest thing I learned from my experience was that no one is better than anyone else. We are all exactly the same in the creator's eyes.

28. I grew such levels of empathy that at times it's hard not to feel the pain of another human being.

29. Life's meaning is to love, to have faith, to believe, to teach, to influence by means of a consistent example regardless of life events. Without directly seeking to be a confidant or counselor or shoulder to cry on I found myself surrounded by people in need of help, guidance, comfort.

30. Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes Love one another...

31. Yes, to overcome our fears. We need to love and accept ourselves and each other. The actions and choices we make can either be from love or fear--love is golden light, fear is darkness.

32. All we need on earth is our belief and faith in God and to love, forgive and accept one another. God loves all his creatures.

33. I have a greater respect for myself and others and a greater Love that unites us all.

34. I immediately knew things and He wanted to share things I needed to help me live and to help others. I quit thinking of hell the way I used to and no longer condemn anyone. I now believe life is about loving and sharing my God given gifts with myself and others.

35. Oneness with God and others is my purpose. To heal others and to share God's love is my purpose. To share what I learned that we do continue to live after death on earth. That God is caring for us and the more we realize and trust Him for this, the greater our lives will be. That my worry is a waste of precious time and cuts my life down.

36. Trust, love and be at peace with everyone. Love is perfect, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and it is without judgement. It is what we can share here on earth when we are connected with God and through Him with others. We grow by joining in God's love and sharing His love and gifts.

37. Love each other. I am so much more aware of other people's feelings and emotions and mental states than before I died. We are here to learn how to truly love one another. When we have learned how to love each other, we get to move forward. I am not sure if this means reincarnation until we get it right or what but the answer to life is love one another.

38. I learned that all we need to do is love one another like brothers and sisters and we could make this earthly world a paradise. But we are greedy. We are like bad kids who are selfish. If we truly loved thy neighbor like the Christian Bible tells people.

39. Feel people's pain as if it is my pain. If someone is crying ten feet away from me, I feel their pain and I start crying. I hugged a stranger the other day that was so sad and he was crying. I would have never hugged a stranger before. I hugged him and I felt his pain. I cried most of the day after he left. I felt his pain. I do not like this. I feel like a weak baby now.


40. For now, my heart sings whenever I help someone awaken to the reality that they are Divine Beings having a human experience: and they are loved just as they are, without DOING anything.

41. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God and we cannot ever be separated from God. Additionally, since I've been 'back' I've had an insatiable hunger for ongoing education, especially all things spiritual. The ONLY thing that matters, in the end, is our spiritual growth and we do that by following our JOY: and that flows from KNOWING our oneness.

42. I went from a mental/physical experience of life and living to a spiritual/emotional experience in LOVE, which completely changed my life. I have tried, many times, to run away from this 'knowing' - to go back to being 'normal'. Yet, finally, I have embraced the gift my NDE was and have given myself permission just to go with it: to celebrate it and to share it with others. We have absolutely NOTHING to fear, ever.

43. The knowing that 'religions have it wrong' is significant to me because I now work outside of all religions, to help people awaken to their own authentic goodness. The knowing that we are ALL inter-connected is another life-altering experience. It makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are. 

44. This experience changed my life. It is part of who I am. It is a gift and it's time to share it with the world, it’s part of my purpose. All we have to do is love, but each of us has our gifts and talents to help others awaken to The Loving: my gifts are rooted in this experience.

45. But I would say this, that if every single NDE person, could all stand next to each other, in one place, we would have such a 'power', or 'force', of LOVE, that there would not be anything on this plane, that would not be moved by it somehow, or felt in some way! Surely, just the amount of love, peace, nurturing, feelings I had, could change our cold, forgotten world.

46. I came back with many, GIFTS. I feel, for I am a normal being, with faults and bad habits, like all of us here except now, I cannot hate. I just cannot hate. I was given a gift; a gift of able to love any and all, unconditionally. I never could before.

47. I saw how important it is to project feelings of love instead of the energy I was projecting through my emotions and feelings about life. I saw how others either benefit from my energy or they are negatively affected by it.

48. My experience was the catalyst that transformed me into a completely different person than what I was at the time of my NDE. It took about 30 years of trial and error and many scientific discoveries, but I have finally developed the ability to feel love for everyone, no matter what they do.

49. That is a place of power that I can now use to help others make positive changes in their lives and the world. Instead of feeling anger over corruption and dishonesty that I hear about in the news, I am able to create warm loving feelings and project that energy into the situation instead of fuming in anger. It's not always instantly, but I can get there 100% of the time.

50. Now my goal has become to feel nothing but unconditional love all the time.  I no longer felt very 'normal' because all I wanted to do was get back there as a much better person and higher frequency of energy - more loving. My religion now is the art of loving and bringing the best out of others.

51. I understood the connection we all have energetically, and that love is the highest vibration. When we act out of love, we create energy that is empowering and that raises the understanding to higher levels. Fear and all of the emotions that fall into its category like anger, resentment, no forgiveness etc. are all destructive energies. They break down communication and growth toward higher realms where joy, peace, tranquility can be experienced.

52. I can't live a 'normal' life because I think differently, and I am driven to find ways to help people have more peace and contentment in their lives - to have more love in the world. I have to tone down my explanation because I have found that it is very hard for many people to grasp. I want to use it to help people, not send them running away.

53. I experienced that love, so I am willing to sacrifice everything to have it again, but it is difficult for others to have the same passion that I have. The way it has changed me is how I measure the reality of it. Along with that comes the pain of not being able to shout it from the rooftops and see others gain the same benefits. I am driven to help others but have to realize that it has to be in their own timing. I have chosen a challenging path because it is so real to me.

54. God spoke to me stating that the message to bring back was ‘love. We all have to live in love.’ God does exist and you need to spread love to thy neighbor. Love is the message that God said that I must bring back. We need to love one another, help one another. It felt like a blanket of love was wrapped around me when I stepped through the light.

55. That all they want, the ONENESS (I think this is the reference to who we term as GOD), is that we love each other. That we do not hurt each other. We are all loving, caring beings at the core.

56. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I do not judge like I used to.

57. My fourth lesson was never to judge another harshly. In heaven, we get the privilege of seeing another person's heart as God would see it, so we can understand how someone might react differently than we would to a particular situation. I am nicer, more caring and can sympathize with the human condition.

58. What I KNOW is that love and understanding are the most important things for beings on earth.

59. I see people differently, try to understand them more, I am trying to be more compassionate and giving.

60. Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes, I didn't see them. They felt both unfamiliar yet felt like I knew them somehow. They said they couldn't answer everything for me at this time. They said there is no right or wrong religion. It is what is in your heart that counts. They also said that our purpose on this earth is to love.

61. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes, to learn and understand love.

62. Did you gain information about how to live our lives? Yes love one another.

63. I came to understand it to mean that life is an opportunity for us to express and experience love. Only love is real. Though accidents and suffering appear to be real, they are not really happening. They are only dreams. We can dismiss those dreams by waking up from those dreams like one can wake up from a sleeping dream and realize it was only a dream.

64. Only love and knowledge matter, all the rest are minor things. I had the neat impression that in my life the only thing that mattered was love for all things.

65. I try to be a better person to all around me- more loving and generous. I felt confirmation that life's real meaning is love- for family and each other.

66. I realized that possessions do not matter. To clean the house all the time is not what matters. Time spent with my children and teaching them to accept the differences in others and themselves and to love unconditionally, that's what's important.


67. I do not judge. I have not walked in the other person's footsteps. Our Light If by chance, I am remembered, let it be that I loved my friends unconditionally, finding joy in their unique contributions to life, realizing that we all want to shine with our own inner light and hoping that others will find it beautiful. Knowing that we all face the night, but that the light from friends, help us find the way.


68. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, Unconditional love.


69. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose?  That we are all on a very similar yet different path. We are all here to learn and we each have a different destiny path but the ultimate purpose for all of us is love.


70. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes, They are very loving and real yet I am particular about who I am able to become close with. That was the day I realized my purpose in life. To live every day like it is my last and always let the love in my heart and soul flow freely with everything that I do.


71. I am content to be single, but I would like to increase the love energy of the planet in a positive way.


72. I also got a private scolding, of sorts, inside my head. It had to do with not being such a coward when it comes to expressing love or trading love for ‘safety.’


73. I know God exists. I know He wants us to learn. I know that is what life is about, learning about love.


74. I fit very neatly into all the areas I profess to hate in others. Love was the key to everything, acceptance and love.


75. But the experience as a whole helped me focus more deeply on people, especially those in mourning, living in poverty, and those who are sick or in prison. These things include a placing great importance on serving the poor, the suffering, and those without opportunity. I don't spend time with people who focus their lives on money, guilt, superficiality, social climbing, or who are depressed and don't want to change. There are too many people who do need help and who do want to change, so I focus on them.


76. Before my experience, I was very judgmental. My experience taught me that I have to let go of judgment and try to embrace each human being as the unique individual he/she is.


77. I had individual thought awareness of one being, yet was one of the whole, without definition or separation away from each other. We were in, though, and with each other. It was incredible, humbling, beautiful beyond beauty, and powerful in the most gentle and kind of ways. It was loving and peaceful in a way that transcends all understanding.

78. Wash each other’s feet. Serve. Humble yourself in love.

79. When we as people love enough and harness our love, really internalizing love's power, and believe in our godliness and holiness and magnificence in the same way, when we internalize and allow ourselves to be the creator, then we will know heaven.

80. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes The infinity, oneness, flexibility, omniscience of all beings; that it is our physical bodies that separate us from the One that we are, as water poured from a pitcher into individual glasses, where we stay until we die and return to the whole. Knowledge was all languages, spoken and unspoken. The purpose I received was to circulate this knowledge, and the love, to get it to as many ears and reach as many souls as humanly possible, and then some. Knowledge that love is the purpose, or that the purpose of love, is life. Love doesn't come from life, but the other way around: life comes from love. Love is first and generates life. Love is the breath.

81. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? No, I wish i had because it would've made returning to life here easier. Generally, though, I received information/awareness that the purpose and meaning is love.

82. Love expands the universe and love is the connection, but it isn't "love" as in specific one-on-one relationship love, but rather a universal philanthropy that covers all, embraces and digests all so that all oneness is love. The only redemption we have on earth is love. Love is what makes us: we ARE love, it's what we are made of, not something we do.

83. That we are the true creators here on earth and by our believing and experiencing love we create our greatness, but if we experience in fear, we reap nothing but darkness and fear.

84. During your experience, did you gain information about love?  Yes, that love is total and all-encompassing for all creatures and humans, regardless of who we are.


85. And then in a moment I appear in a sphere.
My lives are all around me, I can see them, I can hear …
Every moment, every thought through lifetimes unfold …
There was no judgment or fear to behold,
No accounting, no damnation, just observations so clear …
That my lives are just choices and it was love that endears.

86. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, I felt the love of God is in each of us and the love is unconditional. The certainty of God’s love.

87. When I saw the great Light, I was curious, wanting to ask questions. When I went on my journey with the Light, I was greatly reassured. I was like a child, surrounded by Light and love. There was a sense of complete safety, of being completely understood.

88. From what I have seen, our lives were threaded with this light, which fills the gap between each moment. At each moment, every situation, and every thought: the light is always available to us. If we’re aware that it’s there, we can remind ourselves to call on it: To connect to it. I was now sitting near this light, near the source of it. I had never felt it so strongly. It was everything. Everything I have ever needed everything I need or everything I might ever need in the future. Everything was in this light. It was warm. It had an immense healing and nourishing quality to it. It was pure, immense, powerful unconditional Love.

89. All I can say is God is bigger than anything anyone can think up. He made it all and loves every one of his creations. Although it wasn't said, but the specific information/awareness of love, was simply wrapped up in the indescribable bliss I felt from head to toe. It wasn't a love like love on Earth. It follows the same principles, but out of this World, the love I felt is like the butterflies in your stomach within a young puppy love relationship, intensified by a trillion. It is anything you can think of, that truly brings a smile to your face, that truly makes you happy, times a trillion.

90. Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? It was a wonderful blessing. I believed in God and his mercy, but I had no idea the unconditional boundaries of God's love.

92. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, It was mind-blowing that this light was was complete and unearthly. Such a strong feeling.

93. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience?  Yes, I used to look at being a husband and dad as a duty. Now I spend much more time talking to them about my love for them, and how I am here for them.

94. I came to understand that we are all connected. The choices we make provide the results we are left with. Action or inaction results in reaction. I had many prejudices prior to that experience. Afterward I realized that all humans are connected and equal, just circumstances of birth differ. Since then, I have tried to follow the mandate 'Love one another as I have loved you'. That's really hard to do.

95. Did you gain information about how to live our lives? No Not at the time of the experience but since then I have always had a deep love for all of humanity and animals. I am very sensitive to the emotions of all people even if I do not know them. I feel for all and would heal all that ails humanity and animals if I could. I know that we are all one creation and if we knew who we are and how much we are loved and valued by our creator life here on earth would be Heaven on earth. There would be no illness, pain, death, hatred or war. we would love and care for all others as much as we have ever loved anyone in our life.

96. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? Just the fact that it happened has made all the difference in my life. I know without a doubt that I will never die and that even when I don't get it right, God still loves me and he will not destroy the life force that he created as ‘me.’ He has infinite love for me and all of his creations. He values us because we are of him. There is nobody in the universe that can change who we are. We have come into existence through God's eternal love.

97. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, God loves us all infinitely.

98. How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness were higher than normal I was surrounded by the unconditional love of God, and it was so much greater than human love. I was given the sure knowledge that God is real and loves me unconditionally.

99. I had two spiritual and supernatural experiences before this one (not out of body), and because of them there's absolutely no doubt that a God exists and that there's an afterlife. Having this experience not only confirms it even more, it renewed my faith in a God that I thought had failed me and abandoned me, to be shown this love when I was in such need of it saved my faith and my future. I came to realize that God is more loving and caring than I could have ever imagined.

100. Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes, I can't attend church without wanting to debate their beliefs, yet I know how they believe is just as valid as how I see life. It seems so hurtful and compelling good behavior by threatening punishment, which is NOT how I saw it there. We should WANT to love and care, not be forced or compelled into it.

101. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, I knew the being I met was composed in its very atoms of a substance I can only call love and that that substance created or was a force or power, like electricity is here. Love is the only word I have. It is not the right word here.

102. What life changes occurred in your life after your experience? Moderate changes in my life That would take another book. What I know now is all roads lead to 'home' and we are here to love one another and help each other get through here the best we can in the most loving way we can. Love is not always 'good actions.' It's being willing to do what is needed to be most loving toward another. Sometimes that is to restrict or limit them (as our children) or to move on in life and leave them to work out their own path home. But when you chose to act lovingly, you will find the right action.

103. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, I knew that love was the greatest force around us and that we are all love and love is the only thing that is real, that hatred and pain and hurt and all the negative things were not really the way it is, that we just create these negative thoughts.

104. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes, we are loved by all things. We are never alone rather we know it not. We are all connected in some form or way from here and or the afterlife. It is around us and with us.

105. God made it all, the universe and all space around the known universe that is too far for humans to navigate at this point in history, to discover. All I can say is God is bigger than anything anyone can think up. He made it all and loves every one of his creations.




106. Although it wasn't said, but the specific information/awareness of love, was simply wrapped up in the indescribable bliss I felt from head to toe. It wasn't a love like love on Earth. It follows the same principles, but out of this World, the love I felt is like the butterflies in your stomach within a young puppy love relationship, intensified by a trillion. It is anything you can think of, that truly brings a smile to your face, that truly makes you happy, times a trillion.

107. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, Overwhelming love washing through me from everywhere around me, in all directions. Love being expressed by our Christ, but the word love is just so insignificant as a concept as we generally express it, in comparison to the very real and true love I experienced.

108. All this time I felt like I was accelerating toward the light and as I approached, I felt myself unfold like a flower, although I had no body. As I unfolded, I felt it, the Love, which was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Even now, I cry when I talk about it as my system feels like it's going to overload from just the memory. I was enveloped by this light and felt one with everything, all seeing, all knowing. It certainly wasn't what I understood of God as an entity, but maybe it was better. It gave new meaning to that saying that God is Love. The love was like an energy that connected every molecule in the universe.

109. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, that all things are connected through an energy that we experience as love.

110. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes, I am far more giving, empathetic and a better mother and friend. I seek friends who are positive and surround me with love. I have energy to reach out to people in emotional crisis and gently guide them back to happiness. I genuinely love people; they are amazing, even when they are at their worst.

111. Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes, I now know that all humans are worthy of love, because each person has choices to make that have far reaching effects. Love is what survives beyond this life. I now understand that God is so much bigger than I had previously thought. No wonder Jesus gave his disciples the command to love one another. Because of this experience, I have found that the only meaning in life is in how we love others in the present.


112. The vastness was not empty and yet it was! We arrived at what the being said (with a wave of his arm) was Love. ‘This is Love. It is always here, always streaming toward you, never diminishing, always loving you. All you have to do is be open to it. Receive it. This will heal you’. In that moment, I thought it meant my body healing. It did mean that, but it was also about so much more and I learned this in the years following my experience.

113. I have never found a way to truly describe what I saw there and resort to the only explanation I can give for something that defies our limited language. LOVE was boundless yet contained no color and all color, nothing and all things, it was tangible, dense, mysterious, and light. It was everything and nothing. It was an actual presence but not personality. It was all shape and no shape. I felt so joyous in the most peaceful quiet way, very grounded and accepting.

114. What emotions did you feel during the experience? I am crying again. The emotions of love and gratitude toward God was and is overwhelming and sublimely beautiful beyond measure. I felt no fear, which is strange because I get anxious easily on earth many times. I felt safe, known, loved, understood, and cared for like I have never known. I felt euphoric yet calm. I wanted to stay immersed in God's love, to stay there. I had to be reminded of those I loved so much on earth because the love in Heaven was so inviting.


115. My past flashed before me, out of my control It was more a prediction that if I chose to go back to earth that I would encounter difficult times and that God wanted me to know that before I made my decision. And yes, I learned that love in its perfect state through God is what is important. I learned that we are always able to evolve and serve God and each other forever. We have the choice to learn about this love, how to become a part of it, and God if we want to do so. It seemed like our relatives are especially important to us for our spiritual growth and journey. All beings seemed to be important, even nature and our precious animals as well as other beings from other realms. That is an impression that almost seeped into me-into my soul. Also, that in our human state, we are so off course and primitive in a way but still loved. That God wants all to be a part of Him and His perfect love.


116. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, God is manifest perfect, heartbreakingly complete, highly evolved love. Yet he is a being with a soul and identity. My sense was that we all are on a path to that love and to God. The main purpose is love and realizing the source, which is God. What can be is so beautiful and right. Others, all others, count even nature and precious animals. Our purpose, our goal is God and his perfect love to continually learn and serve God. We must love and serve each other, love ourselves, and grow spiritually. But we have a free will to not be aligned with God at any point. We must understand God's love, understand the opposite of it and how destructive and wrong it is, then reach toward God to have a beautiful and completely loving existence.

117. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? Again, I will cry. The type of love God exudes and is all about is beyond my best wishes for bliss and perfection and the type of love that humans don't comprehend and haven't achieved. God, love, growing spiritually, serving in love, uniting in love are the goals. In essence, the bottom line or answer. The answer to all things is what I learned is meaningful.

118. What do you believe about the reality of your experience now? Experience was definitely real. Our life here is only a pathetic approximation of what we can achieve through God and His love. Our love is so immature, if you will, seen through a glass darkly. In God's light, with, and in God love is it. The answer. The total bliss.

119. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, one’s purpose in life is to bathe in the warmth and love of the light.

120.  I contemplate and am in God's love. I feel the love of God in my heart always. I do not put it there; it has been there since that time. Together we are God and we know this when we can love it all.

121. I learned that we are meant to live in love and harmony. God is the source of all love and Jesus is who he says he is. All life is connected. From that point of view, the body is a prison to me. I live my life as cleanly and compassionately as possible. There's always hope, and I know Jesus loves me.

122. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, I was clearly where my soul is going when I die, to be with GOD. GOD is love.

123. Have your religious practices changed since your experience? No, I am just more firmly convinced of the existence and love of God.

124. Dying is not really dying; you become a being of light and are born into another better plane of existence. This place is a carefree place of pure love where you can make your own reality and there is no such thing as time.

125. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, As Sam said in the movie Ghost, "All you can take with you is love." When you take a long look at what love is that is a heck of a lot. All the intangibles or at least the energy of them.

126. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, this experience has ramped up my ESP/intuitiveness more. I have had it before. But this is different. I am ruled by more love and compassion and lessons to be learned and to teach.

127. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes Love was the meaning and purpose in my awareness.

128.  I was one with God or the Collective soul, Father sky a Higher power. Whatever label you wish to attach to it. It was perfect love.

129. What emotions did you feel during the experience? Emotions - I felt pure emotions during my episode. Love - in every kind of form you can think of - but it was pure love, from a spiritual aspect.

130. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, The paramount element of reality.

131. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, Family is everything...that's why I'm here to begin with, and that's why I came back.

132. This event I'm sharing is not to scare anyone, but rather to let you know that I believe regardless of what you've been through, are currently going through, or will go through, God has not forgotten you. That as long as YOU have breathe, YOU have an opportunity to receive God's love and mercy. He wants to save YOU from the grip of the enemy and embrace YOU with His love. A love that sacrificed his only son's death on the cross. I want YOU to understand that there are consequences for YOUR sin and how YOU behave on this Earth but that it's the Love of Christ that saves YOU from that consequence. It's as easy as confessing and repenting YOUR sin.

133. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes, since my experience, I believe that we were all created by a God of love to live a life experience and return to Him.

134. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes, Unconditional love and our job is to help one another find joy.

135. Jesus said there is life after death. We are all connected that is why it is such a terrible thing to hurt another living thing, animals included. Unconditional love and forgiveness are what the universe and life are all about.

136. My past flashed before me, out of my control I knew I had been loved on earth and we only take that love with us to the other side. People who worry about a loved one dying alone have nothing to worry about. We do not die alone.

137. Did you gain information about how to live our lives? Yes, this life is all about love. Not just for those close to you, but everyone and everything on this earth.

138. I believe that I had this near-death experience as an incentive to keep on living. I believe that I came here to love and care for others. However, the hardships experienced in my youth defeated me and convinced me that I could not go on. The experience was a reminder that I am, and there is, so much more. It was a message to be patient, to persevere, and to know how great the love is that I shall someday return to.

139. I was embraced by love, a love that had layer upon layer of compassion. It felt like home, like coming inside from the snow to a warm fire, the smell of good things cooking and the laughter of family. And it was euphoric beyond anything I'd felt before or anything I've felt since.

140. Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes, I now know that all humans are worthy of love, because each person has choices to make that have far reaching effects. Love is what survives beyond this life. I now understand that God is so much bigger than I had previously thought. No wonder Jesus gave his disciples the command to love one another.

141. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, Love is what lasts beyond the physical world.

142. ALL LOVE, peace, unity, Wisdom from God, at the center, and innumerable other, unseen others poured into me to teach and explain to me the immense divinity of His overall plan from the beginning of time to the future.

143. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes, I am more open and available to the love others have to offer. I am more generous and open with the love I have to give. I struggle less in relationship to those I love and enjoy the time we have together more.

144. Love opens doors I never imagined before. I no longer just believe in God; I know God firsthand. There is an afterlife and a before life, and we are all connected to it and every conscious being on the planet. That knowledge feels like a special gift to me. A blessing to share.

145. The doctors were amazed I made it. This experience changed me forever. I always had faith. Today I can say absolutely God is real, Jesus is real, and love is all that matters!

146. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes, Love is most important and giving and caring and God is first.

147. I have never had such a spiritual and meaningful experience in all of my life. Although it was traumatizing, mind-boggling and somewhat painful, I still carried God with me the whole time. That was the day I realized my purpose in life. To live every day like it is my last and always let the love in my heart and soul flow freely with everything that I do.

148. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Uncertain That we are all on a very similar yet different path. We are all here to learn and we each have a different destiny path but the ultimate purpose for all of us is love.

149. Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes, there is no other feeling in this lifetime that can compare to the love that I felt that night. The love was very high in vibration and beyond comprehension of an ordinary person. Unexplainable to say the least.

150. Around this time I had had two other panic attacks. I was dealing with many anxieties. I was so ashamed of my feelings that I thought and felt that God was mocking me and was also ashamed of me, so I didn't ask for any help and stopped praying. Because of not being judged during the experience, that was God telling me ‘I love you in spite of what you're going through or feeling’. That changed the way I viewed God and my relationship with him.

151. Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes, you can't explain that type of love and peace. It’s not felt on Earth.

152. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? The bond of love between a mother and her children. That bond overrode my desire to walk through that door. That it overpowered the desire to go to a place where I knew it was easier than living in the physical plain.

153. During your experience, did you gain information about love?  I felt like everything was love there.

154. Spirituality is real and alive, and religion is man-made and ritualistic. Our tradition is to imitate man's religions and language in the best attempt to explain truth. We need to allow each other the space to experience reality of the spirit world without judging or killing each other in the name of religion. We are all from same source, which is perfect love.

155. I believe all knowledge now exists and we can access it through different realms I sense everything is connected and thus known by any and all if only we can access it. The purpose seems that we are preparing to be re-birthed elsewhere and that it is love, prayer, helping others and preparing our souls for higher consciousness.

156.  Love is God and vice versa. Love is the most powerful energy existing.

157. The Holy Spirit is God, it is that 'love' feeling I was referring to, a powerful energy and connective force.

158. Most human emotions did not exist for me there. I felt the strong energy that seemed to permeate everything that I would equate to 'love,' but I only make that equation because it is the closest thing I can describe in human experience. It is, still, unique from the human emotion of love.

159. I shared my experience occasionally over the years to select individuals and every time I would break out crying when I tried to describe the love that I experienced.

160. This collective consciousness that I became part of is God, or that is the feeling I got. It is a state of pure energy and pure love. Everything is energy on the other side. The Oneness on the other side is amazing! You become One with all life. My being always existed. This life is a just a play I am acting in. A small part of me has taken physical form. Love and energy is what the other side is based on.

161. Right after I went through this experience, my vibration was so high, that I could not be exposed to violence or lies. I was filled with love.

162. Did you gain information about how to live our lives? Yes Simply that we can all be very peaceful and happy that we will be able to feel this wonderful love and acceptance on the other side and that we are very lucky to die and return to a life of eternal bliss after living here and experiencing a lot of painful emotions and experiences.

163. I knew that love was the greatest force around us and that we are all love and love is the only thing that is real, that hatred and pain and hurt and all the negative things were not really the way it is, that we just create these negative thoughts.

164. My takeaway from the experience is that we are put on Earth in Human form in order to learn to love, and that the 'me' I recognize as 'self' has always existed and will always continue to exist. The Human lifetime is one page from the book, which is never-ending.

165. My experience reinforced the idea that we are spiritual beings and religion is NOT a requirement to be close to the "maker/creator". And now I really know love is what we're here to learn.

166. That's what the "spirit" was there to tell me; it's all about love, you've always been and will always be, there is no reason to fear, you're here for a purpose and the main purpose is to learn to love.

167. During your experience, did you gain information about love?  Yes, love is what life is all about, no doubt.

168. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes, I got the impression that our purpose is to exercise our free will in the proper manner to enable us to honor and love God so that we can return to God willingly. If we choose to follow evil, then we will suffer the consequences accordingly.

169. I communicated with the entity that I knew was God. I asked questions and had answers immediately. I was filled with love, joy, and happiness and felt myself surrounded by unconditional love, forgiveness, and acceptance.

170. Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes, I understood that we are able to connect to a heavenly realm at any moment. That the source of this universe is love and it is with us all the time. It became a priority to me to connect with that, at each moment.

171. During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes, the light that I encountered felt supreme- I can call it unending, unconditional, immense love, a force that feels eternal, powerful and creative at the same time, which satisfies my definition of "God".

172. What life changes occurred in your life after your experience?  Large changes in my life. I started seeing the opportunity that lies in every moment. I realized my purpose is to connect to this light I saw and share it with others. I felt a great urge to ‘put my hands on people’ and transmit some of the light, especially in the first year after the experience. Whenever I want, I can close my eyes and connect to this experience, which immediately brings me to a place of trust and love. I think that for the past 18 years, even though I am living a worldly life, part of me is always with this light.

173. My mission, I later found out, was to come back and love, to help people not fear death. I was told 'you haven't loved enough'.

174. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? The most meaningful part is the knowledge given to me that God exists and is real, and that He is love.

175. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, I have forgotten most of it but the truth is love.

176. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, That I was loved, and it was unconditional.

177. I was preoccupied with revelations about how life should be lived. A powerful sense of forgiveness and love permeated my thoughts (and being) and I felt as if I were experiencing a kind of cosmic consciousness.

178. I have been able to give my testimony to several church groups, and it always seems to help the older people. I love to tell the event and my life has changed so much since. I feel such a love for all people and wish they could have the same peace that I do.

179. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes, I have much more tolerance and patience with people now and try to help more.

180.  I don't believe in a hell that burns people because God is love and He can't burn anybody.

181. What emotions did you feel during the experience? Profound feelings, I don't know how to explain them. Timelessness. It is another dimension of love, love, love, love, love, love...


182. I believe in Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Mohammed, in the sun as a representation of God in the physical world. I learned to love and to work at forgiveness.

183. I can tell you I have never felt loved by someone on this earth the way I felt loved by this being. I remember thinking this is how we are supposed to love each other, unreservedly, accepting everything.

184. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, that what goes on with earth, while important, is not nearly as important as the life on the other side. And that we should strive to love each other unconditionally.

185. I feel lucky to have felt that love if only for moments. I was very sad because I had never felt this sort of love before, not from parents, husbands, and children. I was sad over that, and I wanted it back. Mostly I wanted to love the people in my life like that, because I wanted them to feel it. To feel what I felt.

186. For all I know they are still looking for us. I don't know which is better, being back here or having the knowledge that we never die. Today, I take things as they come, and I try to do everything with love. But that is sometimes really hard because we live in a world of uncertainty. People don't know who God really is. They make it really hard for me to love them as I should, but I forgive them and love them on the inside, even though I don't show them sometimes. God knows what I mean.

187. I pray that one day the human race, the sons and daughters of God will live on Earth with that Love and Peace that I felt and come to the realization that we are one.

188. Today I go to church and I think I know more than the pastors do. I think only after we die we really understand what the Bible is. (Our manual to get back home.) The Bible is all about that love I felt there. The only time I really feel alive here is when I'm in love with a girl, but it's very painful when they don't feel the same way. When I'm in love, everything feels alive, music, air, rain, sunshine. I can feel GOD. Again, hard to explain.


189.  I felt that someone loves me very much, but I had no idea who it was. I was very overwhelmed with that bright light. While I was there, I felt the love, and that love I never felt before. That light welcomed me very warmly and loved me very much.

190. I felt that only that light ever loved me, and no-one else does. People know only to beat me, hurt me, criticize me, offend me and much more. Nobody loved me in that way before. How I wish my two kids and me could go there and feel that love forever. I didn't like to leave my children behind and that's why I preferred to take care of them first. As a single mother/parent I have to love my children unconditionally. My mission is to raise them up in a proper manner and help poor people.

191. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? The bright light. I won't forget the love from that light. Until this moment, the love from that light is still in me, and will be forever in my life.

192. I learned that death, that to die is so amazingly beautiful and full of joy and love.

193. I now know that there is a life after death. I now know that there is no hell other than the one we create ourselves. I know the most important thing is love between people and all beings. I know that we are here to learn and reflect in each other. I know that I receive as much help from the other side, as I am ready to receive, from those who I am most connected to in love.

194. Things are not important; the most important is interaction and experiences with other people. The most important is love at all levels, and to help others and myself where I can.

195. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? Yes. I let go of my fear of death, and felt this unearthly wonderful love and happiness, that I remembered it again, because I remembered it as if I had been there before. My near-death experience has helped me to know a lot. It has totally changed my relationship with death, and to my life and how I relate to my fellow humans.

196. Did you see an unearthly light? Yes, the light was encompassing and with the feeling of love I have never felt on earth ever.

197. Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes, I do not allow any written down religion to tell me how to live or not live my life or how to believe or not believe. I therefore consider myself an atheist since I do not believe in theologies. Before my NDE, I was very religious, raised in the Catholic religion, believing in one true God and Jesus Christ. I still believe that Jesus has lived, but to me now, he is just a prophet who taught about the only true principle which all bonds us to this universe - Love.

198. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I do not tolerate people who show any signs of being dishonest, insincere or violent - no matter who they are - even family. We must love and respect each other.

199. The Light was filled with the most extraordinary, overwhelming and indescribable feeling of LOVE.

200. My parents, in Utah, who were temple workers, a temple for the Mormon church, had my name written on the prayer list of names prayed for by those attending the temple that day for all the temples in the western United States that day. Prayer is a tangible force, a power for good here on this earth! Three weeks after the accident, many people asked me what was the first thing I thought or felt when I came out of my coma. What I felt, was the incredible feeling of power by being thought of by many and them praying for my recovery to God. I could feel his love and compassion for me, and I believe this communication led to my incredible experience with Christ in that heavenly garden. I now no longer hope that there is heaven and that Christ's life experience and atonement are real. Now, I know! Just like I know that, I gave birth to all five of my children and tangibly held them in my arms. My testimony of Christ burns within me, now when I think of him; I have a visual memory of him looking at me there in that heavenly garden. The love and concern in his eyes for me is overwhelming if I think about it too long, I feel emotionally overwrought.

201. Our Creator does not wish to lose one soul He created because we all are created out of Him and His love.

202. Ever asked yourself what did the other third of the angels do during the battle in Heaven between the good angels and the bad ones? Ever wonder exactly how the battle was won? The battle was of the minds -- LOVE versus HATE. Love won because Love is linked to God. HE is LOVE, LIFE and LIGHT.

203. Imagine in 1958 trying to explain this to doctors! My priest was better at understanding what I was discussing and then I just stopped talking about it and got on with life because I now had the KEYS to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is about LOVE. One must love one's self, this way we love God. He is within each of us. We then can love others, including enemies. We are here to love life, to live life and express back to our Creator our joy in having life here and seeing how beautiful our world is regardless of how we make it.

204. Each era is different with different sets of conditions and it is up to us to make what is important the focal point of our life. We need but love and with it we receive faith, hope and confidence to get through it.

205. Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about the universe Absolutely! Our purpose is to return to Heaven where we were first created. We are but in this test and it is really very simple. Love.

 206. I believe that there is a precise reason why suddenly we all are coming out into the open as to these 'death experiences' and that it is the Will of our Creator we do so. In His time and as He willed it to be. This is a critical time period in the history of earth, and we must be alert to LOVE. Our society has created havoc, evil is rampant, and we are more interested in earning more and more money, having more and more things to throw away for the latest, greatest new item and more disinterested in each other. We have less and less respect for life (e.g. abortion, the thought of assisted suicides, etc.) and are even disrespectful towards earth. We care more about racing out into space instead of using the same money to feed the hungry in this world or clothe the naked or cure the ills. It is easier to give people a pill than to honestly treat the sickness. It's why so many are mentally despondent. We lack love more and more with each passing day. Even the earth is upset, and it is seen in our weather changes and earth changes. Earth is of God, and God has not been hugged by His children for a long, long time.

207. Did scenes from your past come back to you? My past flashed before me, out of my control. Nope, only knew that we judge ourselves. There is no big black book jotting down our misdeeds. That is not the point of life here. The point is Love. If we love our self, we must then love Our Creator within us. And love is all that is needed. If we try our hardest with love, and when we fall, ask forgiveness and try again (we are again loving self), we have no need for the review.


208. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? It was mainly love. That's what it was all about. It confirmed my beliefs regarding the world, and all that lives in it, with love and compassion.

209. At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? Yes, In times of difficulties, I can concentrate and bring back a 'dose' of the tremendously intense love I felt.

210. Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? The knowledge that love is the answer to everything. I am convinced that 'passing' (dying) can be a very beautiful experience. It's a way of becoming part of a whole.

211. What is your religion now? Do not know. After my NDE I stopped going to church because I felt that what they were teaching was not accurate. I realized that god is pure love and heaven is not somewhere you go when you die it is now here on earth.

212. During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes, God does exist. I was aware that God is not a man or women. God is everything, a pure love energy. We are god because we are one entity.

213. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, I do not fear death or anything. It's all meant to be. That was the message I got from my NDE. Everything is love. I felt I knew why I was put on this earth, but I didn't figure it out until I was about 20 years old.

214. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, everything is love.

215. At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? Yes, I started meditating in 2009 because I broke my right collar bone in a motorcycle accident. I refused to take pain medication thus I learned to meditate for pain control. Sometimes in a deep meditation, I get a glimpse of my NDE. The emotions and feelings of pure love and inner peace come back to me.

216. Then I awoke. I know this was just a dream, but I felt as if it was a reaffirmation of the glories and joys of life, and not to be scared of death, for it's a trillion times better in the afterlife, for all, all encompassed in everlasting light and love.

217. During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes, God made it all. Universe and all space around the known universe, that is too far for humans to navigate, at this point in history, to discover.... All I can say is God is bigger than anything anyone can think up. He made it all and loves every one of his children.

218. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, although it wasn't said, but the specific information/awareness of love, was simply wrapped up in the indescribable bliss I felt from head to toe. It wasn't a love like love on Earth. It follows the same principles, but out of this World, the love I felt is like the butterflies in your stomach within a young puppy love relationship, intensified by a trillion. It is anything you can think of, that truly brings a smile to your face, that truly makes you happy, times a trillion.

219. If you ever have felt this perfect love surround you, you will never be the same. Immediately prior to that, I was in a rage like I had never been before. I felt that I had been betrayed, lied to, and cheated on. When I gave in, and His love just held me and never let go, I think I cried all night. In the morning I felt like I was loved like I had never been before.

220. This is a love so perfect that there are no words perfect enough to describe it.

221. Did your experience include features consistent with your earthly beliefs? Content that was entirely not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience This God is totally TOTALLY loving, The God I was taught by the Catholic has quite a few conditions for His Love.

222. During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes, God loves us all absolutely. It is not like church "God". God is absolute love.

223. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes, All you need to know is that God Loves us absolutely. Everything else comes from that.

224. There is nothing separate in the infinite universe and that would include the terrorist standing right next to you. We are all pieces of one created puzzle. It is true that love is the answer.

225. During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes, magically created we are all one with a chosen will. We will make a choice to connect to our other parts as they fit together universally (LoVe).

226. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, you are love and love is Gods vibrational energy. Without God you have no love.

227. I know now there is no hell, and God is not a super-sized parent but unconditional love. I have seen God and it is a part of me I am not a separate entity. We are all connected, and we are all part of that loving spirit we call God.

228. Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes, I do not believe I need to go to church and the bible is all about installing fear. Fear actually kills love.

229. I know that anything that is not from a place of Love is not of God. My God is loving compassionate and lives within me as spirit lives in every one of us.

230. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, love is what we are and will be again.

231. I saw everyone when I came through the light, it felt like a blanket of love was wrapped around me. No feeling here on earth, in the present, can express the love or the feelings.

232. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, I felt the love of God is in each of us and the love is unconditional. The certainty of God’s love.

233. Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes, God does exist, and you need to spread love to ‘thy neighbor’.

234. During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes, God definitely exists and is total love. The feeling was incredible love of one whom you would do anything for and whom would do anything for you.

235. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes We are loved.....not in the human love a Universal way....the Divine, the Universe is in all and we are one with it....there is no need to search for God, The Divine or the Source, Universe whatever we call is within us....

236. During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes, Purpose was to come back to Earth to do good works and spread messages of love and calm.

237. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, I felt totally loved and protected in the experience. It was as if the beings were holding this space for me. They were huddled around like I was a newborn baby or something. I felt their compassion and love. It was intense.

238. The entire time I was with my family, I could feel their love. It was like a warm feeling all over me. I suddenly felt like I was on a moving platform and I saw Jesus! I knew instantly who he was, although he didn't tell me. He was dressed in a white robe. His presence felt warm and I could feel love coming off him. Jesus said I should go back to the living and live my life. Jesus vanished and God appeared to me. She was bright and I felt her love immediately (and, yes, God is a female.) She looked like the sun, with love coming off her in rays.

239. During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes, I felt that everything is connected and loved. I felt one with all around me.

240. Do you believe in an afterlife after your experience? An afterlife definitely exists Yes, I was aware that I was somewhere that was magnificent and when I was surrounded with people I knew were dead- I was filled with love and felt loved.

241. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, I was very aware of being full of love and being loved.

242. I realized my unlimited potential as a human, I realized the unlimited ability to feel love, and I knew that I was being held in that 'love' and I knew that this was the forever-ness of that love.

243. I knew what it was like to LOVE the way that God loves, and when that happened my 'heart' opened and I could feel my soul touching that of the unseen creator, I knew that 'God' does exist and we are a part of it all.

244. At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? At the moment I realized the magnitude of LOVE in which I was being held.

245. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I have an inkling of how to love as I am being loved; I am giving over to this and learning with each new day.

246. Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about the universe I got the message that humans need to learn is that we are all connected and human life is about experiencing love.

247. Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? The depth of love that I felt is something that I will never forget.

248. The feelings were non-earthly. The warmth was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold - it was as though I was wrapped in a warm blanket. The love was so intense it simply can't be described in earthly words. The best I can describe it is if you remember the first time you saw your child, or that first time feeling of love, and then multiply by 10,000. That is the love of GOD. There was the peace and calmness, which was so engulfing and amazing. I felt content and safe, and felt that I was truly home in the care and love of GOD.

249. The love of GOD is far reaching, and his love is warmth and that is what you feel. You are the child of GOD coming home and home should be a warm and welcoming place, which Heaven is. There was the desire to be there, home, not at my earthly house but home in Heaven. It was overwhelming. The desire to be home with all of my loved ones and with GOD was like a massive force pulling you toward it and you can’t get away even if you wanted to, which I guarantee you did not.

250. We do not remember on earth the reason we chose to come back. That is the magic of Heaven and the advancement of our souls. Never doubt GOD's love for you. I can truly say that when it is your time to go home you will know with unprecedented resolve that GOD is truly amazing and his love for us is immense.

251. We are sent to earth to learn and overcome and to bring us closer to GOD. The simplest tasks are so very difficult. Learning kindness, love, humility, patience, giving and other basic tasks so often fall short on earth.

252. Over the next couple of days, many of my friends came to ICU to visit. This was still a critical time and you know the value of friendship in a time like this. You learn to appreciate these people and hold them close in your heart. Love is the best prescription for healing.

253. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, you felt the love of GOD in an intensity that cannot be explained in earthly terms.

254. There have been profound changes in my life since the experience that I would like to share at some point. Changes that can ONLY be attributed to God. Also, I had a blood tech come in a few nights later to draw blood, as they did about six times a day. I had not seen her before, and she did not know me. She closed the curtain, which is not normal, and said 'I'm praying for you'. I have never had a medical person go there before and I'm sure they do not normally start a conversation with a patient that way. She went on to say, without knowing that I had some issues prior to becoming ill, that God will sometimes take someone all the way down and then picks them up again to prove His love.

255. I know I won't be able to do justice to the experience in explaining it, because the feelings were so beyond what is normally thought of as Love, Joy, and Bliss that there really are no words to capture the intensity of the sensations. It was truly amazing, however.

256. I mentally 'turned' around again and saw a Light that was brighter than a million suns but which didn't hurt my vision. It radiated the most all-encompassing unconditional Love I've ever experienced. The Light 'felt' sentient - it had Presence - God - and the feeling of the love it emanated was like that of the father in the Bible welcoming home his prodigal son.

257. When I 'woke up' in the next instant with a great gulp of air, I began to sob - my entire body throbbed with Love as though each cell of my body was a separate heart overflowing with Love. There was so much love pulsating in my body I felt like I was swooning. I remember I could feel overwhelming love pulsating in my thighs as I thought, 'That's where my heart was!' I can't even begin to describe what this bliss of Love felt like - it was so unlike the mundane love we experience in our mortal bodies. It was the sum and more of EVERYTHING in this world, and it felt whole, unified and satiated with its own bliss. It was the experience of Love loving Itself.

258. This experience has totally changed how I look at the world - experientially I now KNOW that Love is all there is, manifesting in the limitless forms of creation - and there is no place in which God is not.

259. Bliss is our natural birthright and most of the time we are like beggars who open our hands to receive but then snatch our hands away at the very instant we see the gift extended to us. We deny ourselves this great love because we can't believe that we are worthy enough or large enough to hold it. And so, we have been blessed with life in order to unlearn the limitations that our egos use to keep us actively engaged in this maddening game of hide and seek.

260. In our life review on the other side, we are not judged by anyone but ourselves. WE are the ones who deny our own selves the glorious ecstasy of union with God by our continued identification with our ego-based limitations and fear. 'Heaven' is the natural state that is always present as a potential within us in this very life if we learn to apprehend and stay anchored in the experience of the unfettered, unconditional love that is God within our hearts.

261. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes, I've learned to love my family more and get better relations with friends.

262. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes, God is love, peace, and joy.

263. Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes, I left the Roman Catholic church for the Episcopal Church because I felt I was no longer Catholic. God loves me even though I was divorced and remarried.

264. The light was brilliant, but it did not hurt! As I passed into it, it glowed with warmth, love, knowledge, and understanding. Not just my own knowledge but knowledge of everything.

265. I became one with all in existence, yet, I had a firm knowing that I was me. All was okay, all was love, and the purpose of human life is solely for experience and expansion.

266. How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal It was out of this world, unexplainable. I was able to perceive all of the energy that creates physical reality. I could see the sparkling particles connecting and webbing all things together, felt totally embraced and emitting of pure unconditional love.

267. Part of what I used to hold onto as 'me' has now died. It will continue to reshape itself in alignment with the Source perspective a little more each day for the rest of my life. I can never return to that sleep state again. What's left of me is love. What's left of me is real.

268. The nameless, speechless all-knowing mass of sacred feminine energy that shines within me, connected to you and you and you and all that is a God(dess). It can speak fluently through my voice now, loud and clear. Her voice is slow and glows with even more compassion and heats up my chest when connecting in love.

269. Love and beauty are everywhere; peace is inside of me through both extreme joy and extreme sorrow. Yes, In the midst of grief, there is peace, in disappointment there is peace, in death and loss there is peace, in total humiliation there is peace, in what may seem like abandonment or murder, yes, there is still peace. This is the way life was meant to be lived; this is the one love that I've spent my whole life searching for externally, in a partner, in a career, in my travels. I know why I am here and what I've come to learn. I have no answers for another, and I don't need them, I just trust in the present moment, in the eternal flow. I have always known love and I will continue to embody that love. This is where I am now.


270. During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes, all is connected, all is ONE and all is LOVE.

271. During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes LOVE IS. Maybe I can give a better example... Love is kind of like gravity, but it encompasses ALL THINGS.

272. Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes, I see all people, namely those closest to me and my Beloved, as mirrors. All people are a reflection of me. A window to my own soul.

273. Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. Everything was more brilliant - colors, sounds, smells, extreme love. And there was telepathy.

274. The emotions are always enhanced. I feel joy so deep that my whole self-leaps with gratitude; I feel peace; I feel awe and belonging. I did not have a specific life review but felt everything about my life and me was known, understood and not judged. I was profoundly loved.

275. I felt complete love joy and peace like a warm blanket on a cold morning wrapped around you. I just felt so loved and protected. I have never felt that kind of peace before or since.

Near Death Messages from God

           A Call for Labor of Love


The goal of this study was to identify the most significant message(s) received by near-death experiencers (NDEers), who had direct contact with God during their experiences.  Fifty descriptions of the experiences were analyzed. Messages regarding love were identified as the most important.  These messages were received almost by every NDEer, with the frequency, significantly higher than the frequency of any other message.  NDE messages received from God are reminding us that the most important goals of our life is to become more compassionate, learning to love one another with unconditional love, and that such love will unite us and will dispel feelings of hate, judgement and fear from our relationships. The need for increasing of loving relationships in the modern society is evident. Thus, this study indicates that through near-death experiences we can receive messages beneficial for us individually, as well as for improving the life of a society.


After publication of the groundbreaking book “Life After Life” by Dr. Moore (1), near-death experiences (NDE) are attracting continuously growing attention. Numerous books have been published on this subject, and solid research studies are being conducted.  Creation of the website with thousands of experiences available from all over the world significantly facilitated research in this area (2). 


Comparative analysis of the experiences published on this site allowed to obtain solid data proving the existence of an afterlife(3), and also to identify a group of people, who reported interaction with an  unearthly being, whom most of them referred to as God. The experiences of these people were compared and analyzed in the God Study (4). The objective of the current study was to identify the most significant message(s) received by NDEers from God.


Descriptions of experiences of 50 people, who encountered the presence of God, were found at the site (2) using the references in the book “God and the Afterlife” (4) and analyzed for the presence of significant messages. All results are presented as percentages of the descriptions of the experiences, containing the corresponding messages.


Describing God,  90% of NDE associated a presence of God with bright unearthly light; 86% described the feeling of exceptionally intensive love in the presence of God, 88% reported that they received knowledge about everything and 96% were able to feel unity with whole world after contacting God.  Also, the following additional features of God were reported: God is everything and everywhere (22%); He can appear in a familiar form (6%); He is a Creator (4%); and does not have a gender (4%).


Table 1 presents a summary of messages received.

Messages regarding love were received almost by all NDEers, which allows one to identify these messages as the most significant.  For further analysis, quotes with similar meaning were combined in the following categories.  The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of messages in the corresponding category.

Importance of Love (26)

What is most important? I would say it is human relationships, loving and caring for each other. (5)

I now know what loving one another and helping one another was all about. I finally knew the true meaning of humility and that earthly things absolutely don't matter to me anymore. (6)

Just a sense that it is all about love and kindness. that we are all connected to each other and religion is on the wrong path. Life’s meaning is only valued in love, nothing else matters. That what god is all about and not about religion or rituals. (7)

Love is all there is. Love will overcome everything. (8)

Love is the greatest power in the universe. (9)

I came to know that Love is a power to rival all powers real and perceived in the Universe, something I never could have understood without this experience. (10)

The first message I was given was that the single most important thing in the Universe is Love, that love is all that matters, that we are all the same and that we are all love.  I know that everyone is the same, that all of us are connected and that we all need to remember that love is truly the answer.  Over the years, while I do tend to get caught up in life's struggles, I have the ability to return to my experience to remind and reset my thinking on the true thing important in life; love. (11)

I learned that we are here to learn how to Love, Divinely. Jesus, who had always been my example, continued to be an example for me, but I was less concerned with the technicalities of His story and whether certain details were facts or not, and I embraced the core teaching that was intended to be His Gift - 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' My understanding of what I need, religiously, became much more simple - 'Learn to Love.' Cause no suffering.' Very basic and beautiful. (12)

I did receive a sense that the human pursuit of things, status, wealth, power etc were completely meaningless and that all that remains of any importance is love. (13)

Life's meaning is to love, to have faith, to believe, to teach, to influence by means of a consistent example regardless of life events. (14) 


All we need on earth is our belief and faith in God and to love, forgive and accept one another. (15)

I now believe life is about loving and sharing my God given gifts with myself and others. Trust, love and be at peace with everyone. Love is perfect, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and it is without judgement. (16)

We are here to learn how to truly love one another. When we have learned how to love each other, we get to move forward. I learned that all we need to do is love one another like brothers and sisters and we could make this earthly world a paradise. (17)

I saw how important it is to project feelings of love instead of the energy I was projecting through my emotions and feelings about life. I saw how others either benefit from my energy or they are negatively affected by it. (18)

What I KNOW is that love and understanding are the most important things for beings on earth. (19)

They also said that our purpose on this earth is to love.  I learned that love is the purpose on earth (but sometimes hard to do). (20)

During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes, to learn and understand love. (21)

 I came to understand it to mean that life is an opportunity for us to express and experience love. Only love is real. (22)

Only love and knowledge matter, all the rest are minor things. I had the neat impression that in my life the only thing that mattered was love for all things. (23)

I felt confirmation that life's real meaning is love- for family and each other. (24)

I realized that possessions do not matter. To clean the house all the time is not what matters. Time spent with my children and teaching them to accept the differences in others and themselves and to love unconditionally, that's what's important.  (25)

That we are all on a very similar yet different path. We are all here to learn and we each have a different destiny path but the ultimate purpose for all of us is love. That was the day I realized my purpose in life. To live every day like it is my last and always let the love in my heart and soul flow freely with everything that I do. (26)

I also got a private scolding, of sorts, inside my head. It had to do with not being such a coward when it comes to expressing love or trading love for ‘safety.’ I know God exists. I know He wants us to learn. I know that is what life is about, learning about love. During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes Its about love. There really is no mystery. It’s all about love and learning all about its many facets. (27)

I fit very neatly into all the areas I profess to hate in others. Love was the key to everything, acceptance and love. (28)

Knowledge that love is the purpose, or that the purpose of love, is life. Love doesn't come from life, but the other way around: life comes from love. Love is first and generates life. Love is the breath. Generally, though, I received information/awareness that the purpose and meaning is love. Love expands the universe and love is the connection, but it isn't "love" as in specific one-on-one relationship love, but rather a universal philanthropy that covers all, embraces and digests all so that all oneness is love. The only redemption we have on earth is love. (29)

During your experience, did you gain information about love?  Yes, that love is total and all encompassing for all creatures and humans, regardless of who we are. (30)

Love and compassion dispel hate and judgement (21)

All of it was judgments whatsoever attached.  If anything, I just try not to judge and maybe I was more prone to that before. I try to love others as unconditionally as I felt loved throughout the experiences. (5)

Do not cause harm. Be compassionate and loving towards all people, even murderers or child molesters, for they are made from pure love as well. (31)

All judgment was lost as I saw others for who they really are through God's eyes. I no longer judge as harshly. I'm no longer interested in being right. Less judgment, more love. I no longer judged others. I had deeper compassion and love for my fellow beings here. (8)

I feel I was touched by a Holiness or Sacredness of spirit and it runs through me at certain times, particularly when a person near me is in need of assistance. (32)

I will work to make this beautiful world a better, more compassionate place. (30)

You cannot turn others away who are in need.  At least that was how I felt it and what I was connected to. The Love of God, as I will call it, was connect to and moving through me, there.  So am trying to make my life better. Be kinder, more compassionate, more loving. Embrace family. I try to make amends with those I have lost along the way, tell others I love them.  Pass on more of what I felt in those moments. (33)

I grew such levels of empathy that at times it's hard not to feel the pain of another human being.  (34)

Without directly seeking to be a confidant or counselor or shoulder to cry on I found myself surrounded by people in need of help, guidance, comfort. (14)

I immediately knew things and He wanted to share things I needed to help me live and to help others. I quit thinking of hell the way I used to and no longer condemn anyone. Trust, love and be at peace with everyone. Love is perfect, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and it is without judgement. (16)

I feel people's pain as if it is my pain. If someone is crying ten feet away from me, I feel their pain and I start crying. I hugged a stranger the other day that was so sad and he was crying. I would have never hugged a stranger before. I hugged him and I felt his pain. I cried most of the day after he left. I felt his pain. I do not like this. I feel like a weak baby now. (17)

The knowing that we are ALL inter-connected is another life-altering experience. It makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are. (35)

I feel, for I am a normal being, with faults and bad habits, like all of us here except now, I cannot hate. I just cannot hate. I was given a gift; a gift of able to love any and all, unconditionally. I never could before. (36)

Instead of feeling anger over corruption and dishonesty that I hear about in the news, I am able to create warm loving feelings and project that energy into the situation instead of fuming in anger. It's not always instantly, but I can get there 100% of the time. Now my goal has become to feel nothing but unconditional love all the time. When we act out of love, we create energy that is empowering and that raises the understanding to higher levels. Fear and all of the emotions that fall into its category like anger, resentment, no forgiveness etc. are all destructive energies. They break down communication and growth toward higher realms where joy, peace, tranquility can be experienced. (18)

I do not judge like I used to. (37)

My fourth lesson was never to judge another harshly. In heaven, we get the privilege of seeing another person's heart as God would see it, so we can understand how someone might react differently than we would to a particular situation. I am nicer, more caring and can sympathize with the human condition. (38)

I see people differently, try to understand them more, I am trying to be more compassionate and giving. (39)

Greatly compassionate toward others. I let others live their lives as they wish, occasionally we meet and then anyone lives its own, if somebody needs my help, I will be available, no matter whether a friend or a stranger. (23)

I try to be a better person to all around me- more loving and generous. (24)

I do not judge. I have not walked in the other person's footsteps. Our Light If by chance, I am remembered, let it be that I loved my friends unconditionally, finding joy in their unique contributions to life, realizing that we all want to shine with our own inner light and hoping that others will find it beautiful. Knowing that we all face the night, but that the light from friends, help us find the way. (25)

Large changes in my life I am still me, but I am more open to life and others. I did not suffer fools before the experience, and I still don't, but I reach out to others and always try to pay it forward. (27)

But the experience as a whole helped me focus more deeply on people, especially those in mourning, living in poverty, and those who are sick or in prison. These things include a placing great importance on serving the poor, the suffering, and those without opportunity There are too many people who do need help and who do want to change, so I focus on them. Before my experience, I was very judgmental. My experience taught me that I have to let go of judgment and try to embrace each human being as the unique individual he/she. (40)

Learning about love through NDE (16)

To be useful and to fulfill my purpose needed the empathy/knowledge developed within the life review. (10)

To heal others and to share God's love is my purpose. It is what we can share here on earth when we are connected with God and through Him with others. We grow by joining in God's love and sharing His love and gifts. (16)

I learned that all we need to do is love one another like brothers and sisters and we could make this earthly world a paradise. (17)

But I would say this, that if every single NDE person, could all stand next to each other, in one place, we would have such a 'power', or 'force', of LOVE, that there would not be anything on this plane, that would not be moved by it somehow, or felt in some way! Surely, just the amount of love, peace, nurturing, feelings I had, could change our cold, forgotten world.  (36)

I can't live a 'normal' life because I think differently, and I am driven to find ways to help people have more peace and contentment in their lives - to have more love in the world. I want to use it to help people, not send them running away. I experienced that love so I am willing to sacrifice everything to have it again, but it is difficult for others to have the same passion that I have. The way it has changed me is how I measure the reality of it. Along with that comes the pain of not being able to shout it from the rooftops and see others gain the same benefits. I am driven to help others but have to realize that it has to be in their own timing. I have chosen a challenging path because it is so real to me. (18)

I am content to be single, but I would like to increase the love energy of the planet in a positive way. (29)

The Love of God, as I will call it, was connect to and moving through me, there. (12)

So am trying to make my life better. Be kinder, more compassionate, more loving. Embrace family. I try to make amends with those I have lost along the way, tell others I love them. Pass on more of what I felt in those moments. (33)

The light then told me ‘you are here to learn how to love and to gain knowledge’. (41)

I went from a mental/physical experience of life and living to a spiritual/emotional experience in LOVE, which completely changed my life. (35)

I was given a gift; a gift of able to love any and all, unconditionally. I never could before. (36)

My experience was the catalyst that transformed me into a completely different person than what I was at the time of my NDE. It took about 30 years of trial and error and many scientific discoveries, but I have finally developed the ability to feel love for everyone, no matter what they do. I can't live a 'normal' life because I think differently, and I am driven to find ways to help people have more peace and contentment in their lives - to have more love in the world. (18)

God spoke to me stating that the message to bring back was 'love. We all have to live in love.’ God does exist and you need to spread love to ‘thy neighbor. Love is the message that God said that I must bring back. (42)

To remember to treat everyone as God would. Large changes in my life. To respect all forms of life. (31)

I felt I was being told that every human was exactly the same in God's eyes and we need to love each person as if we are loving God because each of us is part of the creator. I think the creator is very disappointed in how this earth is run. I feel I was lucky to have had this experience because I was told and reinforced what my mission on earth is. I felt that man would not advance in the universe until we learned how to love each other and accept our differences. We are doing great on gaining knowledge the last century or so. But as far as learning how to love, I don't know how many lifetimes we will all have to go through to finally learn how to accept each other and stop the prejudice, power games and thinking what we do for a living makes us better than someone else. (41)

I learned that all we need to do is love one another like brothers and sisters and we could make this earthly world a paradise. But we are greedy. We are like bad kids who are selfish. (17)

Golden Rule: Love one another (12)

Emphasis should be on that golden rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Take care of each other whenever you can. (5)

I now know what loving one another and helping one another was all about. (6)

Our lives matter and the way we treat each other is of great importance. (8)

I knew I was to love and to help people. I feel my purpose is to offer kindness, love and happiness to people, even if it's just a smile to someone in the grocery store who hasn't been smiled at in a while. (11)

I have this huge need to make a difference and help people in a real way. I volunteer at the homeless shelter and am pursuing an emergency medical technician certification - even though it pays one fifth of my current salary. (43)

I was being told this is why you are here on earth to learn how to love and accept each other. Yes loving. we really need to work on loving each other. (41)

Love one another... (44)

Love each other. We are here to learn how to truly love one another. When we have learned how to love each other, we get to move forward. I am not sure if this means reincarnation until we get it right or what but the answer to life is love one another. I learned that all we need to do is love one another like brothers and sisters and we could make this earthly world a paradise. (17)

God does exist and you need to spread love to ‘thy neighbor. We need to love one another, help one another. (42)

That all they want, the ONENESS (I think this is the reference to who we term as GOD), is that we love each other. That we do not hurt each other. We are all loving, caring beings at the core. (37)

Did you gain information about how to live our lives? Yes love one another. (21)

I felt confirmation that life's real meaning is love- for family and each other. (24)


Unconditional love (6)

I learned to love at a very deep level and experienced the unconditional love of God in a way that revealed, not only the divinity in myself, but in all of us as God's children. (4)

We on earth love nothing like I felt over there. I felt totally loved and accepted when I came into the light. On earth there are always conditions to love. When we first fall in love, it is much more pure than later on. I think that is because we only see the good in the person. Later it becomes if this person fits into what you want in your life. When they don't it is bye bye. (14)

For now, my heart sings whenever I help someone awaken to the reality that they are Divine Beings having a human experience: and they are loved just as they are, without DOING anything. (23)

I was given a gift; a gift of able to love any and all, unconditionally. I never could before. (24)

It took about 30 years of trial and error and many scientific discoveries, but I have finally developed the ability to feel love for everyone, no matter what they do. Now my goal has become to feel nothing but unconditional love all the time. (25)

During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes Unconditional love (36)


Love overcomes fear (5)

There is only love and fear and fear is simply the absence of love. In the end there is only love and it is wonderful. (8)

To overcome our fears. we need to love and accept ourselves and each other. the actions and choices we make can either be from love or fear--love is golden light, fear is darkness. (45)

We have absolutely NOTHING to fear, ever. (35)

That we are the true creators here on earth and by our believing and experiencing love we create our greatness, but if we experience in fear, we reap nothing but darkness and fear. (46)

And then in a moment I appear in a sphere.
My lives are all around me, I can see them, I can hear …
Every moment, every thought through lifetimes unfold …
There was no judgment or fear to behold,
No accounting, no damnation, just observations so clear …
That my lives are just choices and it was love that endears. (47)

Love brings unity (4)

Just a sense that it is all about love and kindness. that we are all connected to each other and religion is on the wrong path. (7)

I was connected to all creation, which includes everyone! But nobody was there right in front of me, yet everyone was there in the love!  We need to feel our connections to each other and empathy and compassion here on Earth more and more. We are one being and need to feel our inner bond to each other more directly. (32)

I have a greater respect for myself and others and a greater Love that unites us all. (48)

Oneness with God and others is my purpose. It is what we can share here on earth when we are connected with God and through Him with others.  (16)

We are made from pure love (4)

To love, to express myself from a place of pure love, as God was with me, a part of me and I am part of God. (31)

The first message I was given was that the single most important thing in the Universe is Love, that love is all that matters, that we are all the same and that we are all love. I know that everyone is the same, that all of us are connected and that we all need to remember that love is truly the answer. (11)

I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God and we cannot ever be separated from God. (35)

Love is what makes us: we ARE love, it's what we are made of, not something we do. (29)





God loves all (4)

I know that love is all there is, and that God loves ALL of his children deeply and equally. There are no stepchildren in the family of God. We are all divine. (8)

The biggest thing I learned from my experience was that no one is better than anyone else. We are all exactly the same in the creator's eyes. (41)

God loves all his creatures. (15)

That God is caring for us and the more we realize and trust Him for this, the greater our lives will be. (16)

God’s love is different from human (3)

No human can ever love with the love I felt in that light. It is all consuming, all forgiving. nothing matches it. It is like the day you looked into the eyes of your child for the first time magnified a million times. Indescribable. (7)

Love on the Other Side, at least in my experience is so much bigger, so much more full than here, and you are more honest with your Love, as I experienced it. (12)

With the word 'love', it wasn't just about physical love but the love of nature, accepting all people as the same, everything that pertained to love.  We on earth love nothing like I felt over there. I felt totally loved and accepted when I came into the light. (41)

Each message received from God is precious and can have individual meaning for each person, it should be treated with appropriate reverence and respect.


The combined meaning of the received messages in different categories can be summarized in the following way.


God is reminding us that most important in our lives is to become more compassionate, learning to love one another with unconditional love, and that such love will unite us and will dispel feelings of hate, judgement and fear from our relationships.


The message about the importance of love is not new.  Love is the essence of Christianity, the Great Commandment of Judaism, according to the Vedic teachings in our days the best way to find unity with God is the Bhakti yoga - the way of love and devotion, almsgiving – is one of the pillars of the Muslim faith, and the leader of Buddhist’s faith, Dalai Lama, is inspiring the world with the message that developing a compassion is most important for our days.

What is new, is that NDE are introducing God in a form of the Loving Light. God is always revealing Himself according to the time, place, and circumstances, and such form of the ishta devata (worshipper's personal preferred deity, 49) could be most easily accepted by well-educated modern society.  It is also unique, that this form of God is not a category of faith, because we can learn about God, from people, who had direct firsthand experience contacting God (unless, we are ready to believe that all of them are lying in a similar way, without even knowing each other).  This God does not belong to any religion, and this God is telling us that the most important in our days is to learn how to love.

There is no question about the need for love in our days. We live in time, when the love of many wax cold, because iniquity abound (50). Love is making a foundation of our society, uniting families (51), and decline of families is a devastating problem of our days (52). Without love, compassion education and medicine cannot be as efficient as they supposed to be. Here is what the Dalai Lama is saying regarding this (53):

“As children grow older and enter school, their need for support must be met by their teachers. If a teacher not only imparts academic education but also assumes responsibility for preparing students for life, his or her pupils will feel trust and respect and what has been taught will leave an indelible impression on their minds. On the other hand, subjects taught by a teacher who does not show true concern for his or her students' overall well-being will be regarded as temporary and not retained for long. 

Similarly, if one is sick and being treated in hospital by a doctor who evinces a warm human feeling, one feels at ease and the doctors' desire to give the best possible care is itself curative, irrespective of the degree of his or her technical skill. On the other hand, if one's doctor lacks human feeling and displays an unfriendly expression, impatience or casual disregard, one will feel anxious, even if he or she is the most highly qualified doctor and the disease has been correctly diagnosed and the right medication prescribed. Inevitably, patients' feelings make a difference to the quality and completeness of their recovery.”

Traditionally introducing love and compassion into the life of society was a prerogative of a religion. Science became the common religion of our days. We live in a society of mind, where everything should be proven scientifically. Science, by expanding our knowledge, is making our life safer and more comfortable, but feelings, particularly, love and compassion, is something that science is just beginning to touch. During almost 20 years of my education, I did not have a chance to hear a single word about love.

NDE messages from God are inviting us to make fascinating changes in our lives. The need for love in our society is extremely demanding. Following God’s commandments always lead people to happiness, and when their efforts were combined, the major changes in a history of mankind were happening.


This study could not be possible without outstanding contribution, help and support of Jody and Dr. Jeffrey Long.


  1. Raymond Moody, Life After Life (Atlanta: Mockingbird, 1975)


  3. Jeffrey Long, Paul Perry. Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences (New York, Harper One, 2010)

  4. Jeffrey Long, Paul Perry. God and the Afterlife (New York, Harper One, 2016)














































Matthew 24:12 




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